
Full leaderboard at Huggingface leaderboard

Rank šŸ¤– Model / Submission Name ā­ Validation Performance
1 BVD_Mega 54.5
2 wcf_lar 52.2
3 readapt_median 48.4
4 kobeni 46.7
5 lore_route 45.8
6 shira_llama3_8b_it_algo0 44.9
7 basic_merge_00 44.7
8 llama_base_fc 44.2
9 llama_base_qa 44.2
10 shira_qw2_7b_it_algo0 44.1
11 llama_merge2 42.7
12 mistral_avg_exp_04 42.2
13 shira_mtl7b_0_2_algo0 42.0
14 mistral_avg_exp_05 41.4
15 mistral_avg_exp_07 41.3
16 mistral_avg_exp_06 41.2
17 cdutr_AqQ3 41.1
18 shira_ft5_algo0 40.8
19 shira_ft5xl_algo0 40.8
20 yi15_exp 40.7
21 yi15_exp 39.9
22 llama_avg 38.5
23 llama_avg (Baseline) 38.4
24 knovel_test 38.4
25 abc 38.1
26 flan_t5_avg 38.0
27 llama_optimized 38.0
28 Fbaseline 38.0
29 flan_t5_weights 37.7
30 flan_t5_avg_lora 37.6
31 cdutr_pi5c 37.2
32 my_t5_avg 37.1
33 deepseek_exp 36.5
34 shira_algo_k00 29.5
35 SLM 26.0
36 llama_avg 18.8

Updated on 08/19/2024. The full leaderboard is hosted on Huggingface leaderboard

How to submit your merging method
